Carbon Slaves

Undeniably mistakes have been made
Air-conditioned, we've become carbon slaves

An arousal of advertisers
Planting ideas for the mixed bean counters
All mouth and well creased trousers
Sacrificing hundreds to save a mere five thousand
Islands dressed up, beauty marred, nature messed up
Unaware of the inevitability
Being ground down by the weight of entropy
Not sure when we stopped functioning as moral entities
Face to the facts- this is now our reality

Our reptilian ancestry
Precludes our new philosophies

Undeniably mistakes have been made
We've become air-conditioned carbon slaves

It's obvious - only time will tell
Can anyone survive this man-made hell
Tensions rise in the Middle East
Sand and sweat as temperatures increase
Bombing for peace could be our slogan
Dead-weight we don't stop for no-one

Arrogance and stupidity
Denies any positivity

A little cooperation would be nice
Recall that this world isn't just for your delight
My body is a temple - a fucking waste of space
In this modern era of hate and data rape
Work hard to boost the economy
Subsume yourself for the good of the plutocracy
Is it me? Or have we made our own worldwide cemetery?
Ironically progress is anathema
Politicians are just like a catheter
Stab you... whilst taking the piss out of ya...

Our reptilian ancestry
Precludes our new philosophies
Arrogance and stupidity
Denies any positivity

Undeniably mistakes have been made
Air conditioned
We've become carbon slaves